Friday 24 October 2008

Icky Bears

This is, without a doubt, the worst bear mount I've seen. Not just slightly bad, pretty horrifically bad. It excels at being awful. Wow.

And, naturally, the museum has it nice, front and centre for tourists to see it first thing when they arrive.

So the museum has this thing on hunting and trapping in Alaska, and I'm tempted to see it before they pack it up. I'm told that it's actually a good exhibit, and from people aren't... well, they aren't the usual museum going crowd. They've also had periodic events at the museum for adults and kids. You can visit the calendar to see upcoming events - most of them are free to the public.

Oh. Side note. A trusted source™ has told me that it's pal'tuuq. That's what I'm sticking with. Heh. Forget words for snow (which there aren't many for), darn language has far too many words for clothing! ;)

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